The extra graphic elements do not have a pad id. Do not cover the hole in the circle with the extra graphics, but do overlap with the ring (stroke) of the circle as much as possible, so that Fritzing will detect the extra graphics as being part of the pad. The way to create square (or other non-circular THT pads) is to use a circle element for the the connector«n»pad elements, then add additional (usually path) elements to expand the circle. That does not have a radius, so exporting to gerber will not create drill holes for those connectors. In the pcb svg, connector0pad and connector8pad have been created as “rect” elements. Usually with fill and stroke = “none”, so they are not visible. The connnector«n»terminal elements should be circles, rectangles, or lines centered at the end point of the corresponding connnector«n»pin elements that wires should connect to. Without this, wires attached to the connectors will be drawn to the middle of the connector pin line, instead of to the end. They are used to give Fritzing a reference point, to “snap” wires to.

The first/outer wrapper group element should be changed tThose should be put intributes for connectors in the schematic view, which do not actually exist in schematic svg. This will “appear” to work in Fritzing, but exporting a sketch to an svg image will not include the part. The “breadboard” layerId specified in the fzp part definition does not exist in the matching svg image. copper0 should be ‘inside’ copper1, instead of the other way around. The copper0 and copper1 layers (groups) in the pcb svg should be reversed. Here is a summary of what it reported, and what I noticed doing a manual inspection and smoke test in Fritzing. I ran the contents of that part file through FritzingCheckPart.